Tea given as a symbol of marriage | The meaning behind the Yuinocha "Ochika"
In some areas of Kyushu, such as Fukuoka and Saga prefectures, there is a unique custom of the man giving tea to the woman at the engagement ceremony.
Similar customs exist in China, Southeast Asia, the Korean Peninsula, and other areas, so it is thought that the tradition may have been transmitted from those regions.
The culture of giving tea as a betrothal gift
This custom is not just a way to give a gift, but is imbued with the region's unique culture and history, as well as a deep feeling for tea.
The tea given as an engagement gift is not simply called "tea," but is called by various names depending on the region and how it is called, such as "Engagement tea," "Ochika," or "Kuki tea."
These teas are different from ordinary gift teas and have special meanings and wishes attached to them.

The meaning of giving tea as a betrothal gift
Tea trees have deep roots that go all the way down into the earth, and once they have taken root they are not easily moved. Transplanting becomes even more difficult once the tree has matured.
For this reason, the custom of giving tea at the time of the engagement ceremony is said to represent the wish for the bride to take root firmly in her husband's home and live happily ever after, as well as the wish to ensure that the bond between the couple will be eternal.
Why "lower grade" tea is chosen
Furthermore, since higher-quality tea "brings out more flavor and color," it is said that cheaper tea is generally given to prevent the bride from returning to her parents' home.
In this way, we can see that the custom of giving tea as a betrothal gift is deeply rooted in the ancient Japanese family system and views on women.
Although there are many aspects that differ from modern values, the fact that such deep meaning can be imparted to such a major life milestone as marriage through tea gives us a real sense of the depth of Japanese culture.