Babies can drink it too. Drinking barley tea can help relieve constipation and prevent tooth decay.
Barley tea has been popular among Japanese people for a long time.
It is a historic drink that was enjoyed by aristocrats during the Heian period and by military commanders during the Sengoku period.
During the Edo period, food stalls selling barley tea began to appear, and barley tea became widely enjoyed by common people.
That fragrant aroma and refreshing taste, with a nostalgic feel.
This time, we will explain in detail the various health benefits of barley tea.
Ingredients contained in barley tea and their functions
Barley tea, which is made by boiling roasted barley, mainly contains the following nutrients:
1. Potassium
It is a mineral that is expected to lower blood pressure by expelling excess sodium from the body. It also helps to recover from fatigue by smoothing nerve transmission and supporting muscle function.
2. Magnesium
In addition to helping bone formation, it also supports muscle and nerve function, activates energy metabolism, and is said to be useful in preventing heart disease by stabilizing blood pressure.
3. B Vitamins
Vitamin B is an essential nutrient for energy production in the body. A deficiency can cause symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and beriberi.
It also supports healthy skin and mucous membranes, red blood cell production, and nerve cell function, and a deficiency can cause anemia and nerve disorders.
4. Fiber
Barley tea is rich in dietary fiber, which helps regulate the intestinal environment.
This dietary fiber cleanses the intestines, preventing constipation, and is also expected to have the effect of suppressing blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol levels.
5. Polyphenols
Polyphenols have the ability to remove active oxygen, which causes cell aging and disease, and are useful for maintaining health.
It is expected to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases because it effectively eliminates active oxygen, which causes aging in our bodies and various illnesses.
Health benefits of barley tea
1. Preventing heatstroke
Barley tea is the perfect drink to keep you hydrated during the summer.
Since it does not contain caffeine, it does not have a diuretic effect, so you don't have to worry about it dehydrating your body and it can quickly replenish the fluids lost through sweat.
Barley is also rich in potassium, an electrolyte that plays an important role in regulating fluid balance in the body.
Sweating helps regulate the body's fluid balance, reducing the risk of heatstroke.
2. Improves intestinal function
Barley tea is rich in dietary fiber, which activates intestinal function.
In particular, the dietary fiber contained in wheat, called beta-glucan, helps increase the number of good bacteria in the intestines and improves intestinal environment.
This is said to not only relieve constipation, but also regulate the stomach and boost the immune system.
It has also been reported that drinking it with meals has the effect of slowing down the rise in blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol levels, and it is attracting attention as an ingredient that is useful for maintaining health.
Barley tea is especially recommended for children who suffer from constipation. It contains no caffeine, so it is a drink that can be safely given to both adults and babies.
Barley tea is also available on the market that can be given to babies from one month of age, so you may want to consider giving it to your baby as a drink in addition to milk and hot water.
The dietary fiber contained in barley tea helps regulate the intestinal environment and promote bowel movements. This is one safe way to prevent constipation in babies, whose digestive organs are underdeveloped and prone to constipation.
3. Antioxidant properties
The seed coat and germ of barley, the raw material for barley tea, are rich in polyphenols.
These polyphenols become further activated by roasting and are dissolved in abundance into barley tea.
Reactive oxygen species generated in our bodies are believed to be one of the causes of aging and lifestyle-related diseases.
The polyphenols contained in barley tea have the ability to remove these active oxygen species, making it useful for preventing aging and maintaining good health.
4. Relaxing effect
Pyrazine, the source of barley tea's fragrant aroma, is said to have various health benefits, including a relaxing effect, improving blood flow, and improving sleep quality.
First, pyrazine has the effect of promoting the secretion of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain.
This is thought to restore balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, leading to relaxation of the mind and body and stress relief.
In addition, pyrazine has the effect of dilating blood vessels, improving blood flow.
It is believed that improved blood circulation makes it easier for oxygen and nutrients to reach every corner of the body, leading to the improvement of cold sensitivity and fatigue.
5. Prevents swelling
The potassium contained in barley tea helps to excrete excess sodium (salt) from the body.
Eating too much salt can cause water to accumulate in the body, leading to swelling.
Drinking barley tea and taking in potassium can help prevent and relieve swelling.
6. Prevents tooth decay
Barley tea is rich in polyphenols, which help inhibit the activity of bacteria that cause tooth decay.
In particular, ingredients called catechol and gentisic acid are expected to prevent plaque from adhering to teeth and prevent tooth decay.
In addition, the pigment called melanoidin produced by roasting barley tea acts as a coating on the surface of the teeth.
This coating acts like a shield for your teeth, preventing bacteria from coming into direct contact with them and protecting them from cavities.
It also protects your teeth from acid, helping to extend the life of your teeth.
Why barley tea is so effective at preventing tooth decay
Green teas such as sencha and hojicha also contain polyphenols, which are useful for preventing tooth decay, but barley tea is considered to be more effective in preventing tooth decay.
This is because green tea, which is made from the tea plant, and barley tea, which is made from barley, contain different types and functions of polyphenols.
Catechin, a typical polyphenol found in sencha, is also known to have strong antibacterial properties, but barley tea also contains other polyphenols such as ferulic acid and coumaric acid in addition to catechin.
These ingredients work by a different mechanism than catechin to suppress the activity of cavity-causing bacteria and coat and protect the surface of the teeth.
In addition, the melanoidin mentioned above is a component unique to barley tea that is not found in sencha.
For these reasons, it can be said that barley tea is better at preventing tooth decay than other Japanese teas.
How was it?
I hope you now understand that barley tea is not just a drink that keeps you hydrated in the middle of summer, but also a drink that can provide a variety of health benefits.
It's delicious not only in the hot summer, but also hot in the winter. Another appeal of this drink is that it can be enjoyed casually all year round.
Mugicha is made from barley, a grain, and therefore does not contain any caffeine.
Therefore, it can be safely consumed by small children, pregnant women, and people who are sensitive to caffeine. It is also recommended for drinking before bed or when you want to relax.
Why not try incorporating it into your daily meals?