What is the 88th day? The secret of the season when new tea is delicious
"Summer is approaching on the 88th night of the tea season~♪"...When it comes to tea picking season, some people may remember this "Tea Picking" song.
Do you know the meaning of "the 88th night" that appears in this song?
The 88th night is one of the "miscellaneous festivals" unique to Japan's calendar that mark the change of seasons, and refers to the 88th day from the beginning of spring.
The lyrics are inspired by the fact that this is the time when new tea and first tea leaves are picked, from late April to early May.
The 88th night of the month occurs around early May, and has long been used as a guideline for starting farm work.
As this is also the time when tea leaves are picked, the 88th day is associated with the image of new tea, and it is said that "drinking tea picked on the 88th day will ensure a long life."
In fact, it has been found that new tea and first-picked tea, made from the first-picked tea leaves, contain the most nutritional value.
At Yamamotoyama, the new tea for the year begins arriving in early May every year.
Please give this new tea a try, as it is said to be packed with nutrients and to promote longevity.