It's actually packed with nutrients! Seaweed is a great way to easily get calcium, which is often lacking in our bodies.
The main functions of calcium
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and plays a very important role. Its main functions are as follows:
1. Formation of bones and teeth
Approximately 99% of calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. Calcium intake is especially important for children in their growth period to build strong bodies. The same is true for adults. A stable calcium intake will help prevent osteoporosis in the future.
2. Muscle Contraction
Calcium plays a role in promoting muscle contraction. A calcium deficiency can cause muscle spasms and dizziness.
3. Neurotransmission
Calcium plays an important role in transmitting information between nerve cells. A deficiency of calcium can cause impaired nerve transmission, making you more susceptible to neuralgia, convulsions, numbness, and other symptoms.
4. Blood clotting
Calcium plays a role in promoting blood clotting. When blood clots, calcium ions activate a protein called fibrinogen, which forms a fibrous protein called fibrin. Fibrin traps platelets and helps blood clot.
Is it true that lack of calcium makes you irritable?
When you feel irritable, some people may have been teased, "Maybe you don't have enough calcium," but does a calcium deficiency actually make you more irritable?
On the subject of this, there is no research showing that calcium deficiency causes irritability.
It is true that calcium has the ability to suppress the excitement of the brain's nerves. For this reason, it is thought that the theory that "calcium deficiency = the inability to suppress the excitement of the brain's nerves, leading to irritability" has become widespread.
Normally, when calcium intake is insufficient and blood calcium levels drop, calcium is dissolved from the bones to maintain a constant blood calcium level. Therefore, calcium deficiency is not thought to immediately affect mental function.
Calcium content of seaweed
The amount of calcium contained in 100g of seaweed is about 280mg, which is about twice the amount of calcium contained in 100g of milk (about 120mg).
Ingredients that promote calcium absorption
Seaweed is not only rich in calcium, but also contains several ingredients that promote calcium absorption.
1. Vitamin D
Vitamin D has the effect of promoting calcium absorption from the intestines. Most of the absorbed calcium is used to form strong bones, but vitamin D, which supports calcium, also has the function of supporting bone formation, and is thought to promote calcium deposition in bones.
Even if you are taking in enough calcium, if you are deficient in vitamin D, calcium absorption will be poor and the calcium you have taken in will not be properly absorbed.
2. Magnesium
Like calcium, magnesium plays a role in forming bones and teeth, but the concentrations of calcium and magnesium are regulated to always remain constant.
Calcium and magnesium are constantly competing with each other and are involved in various biological reactions, such as controlling muscle contractions and regulating blood pressure, so it is important to consume them in a balanced manner.

Recommended daily calcium intake
Calcium is found in large amounts in dairy products, small fish, green and yellow vegetables, etc. According to the "Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2020 Edition)" published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the recommended daily calcium intake is set at 700-800 mg for adult men and 650 mg for adult women.
However, according to the 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey, people of all age groups are not meeting this recommendation, with an average of about 200 mg lacking.
To efficiently ingest calcium, you need to consciously eat foods that contain calcium every day. Also, even if you ingest a large amount of calcium, the amount that can be absorbed by the body at one time is limited, so it is necessary to ingest it steadily every day.
In addition to calcium, as mentioned above, it is also important to take in foods containing vitamin D and magnesium in a balanced manner.
Considering this, it can be said that consuming seaweed, which can be easily incorporated into your daily diet, is an extremely suitable option.
How was it?
Calcium is a mineral that plays a very important role in the human body, including the formation of bones and teeth, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, blood clotting, etc. Also, since it cannot be synthesized in the body, it must be ingested through food.
However, this is still not enough to meet the necessary calcium intake, and if you drink more than 2 liters of milk every day, it is very difficult to get the necessary amount of calcium.
Seaweed can be easily incorporated into your daily diet to prevent calcium deficiency. Two sheets of seaweed contain the same amount of calcium as about 15cc of milk or half an egg.
Seaweed is a food rich in calcium, which helps maintain healthy bones and teeth. Please try incorporating it into your daily diet.