Perfect for relieving constipation Why seaweed is recommended for intestinal health
Nori seaweed has long been an indispensable ingredient on the Japanese diet. In recent years, nori has been attracting attention as an ingredient that is effective in relieving constipation.
Nori is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, but the most notable of these is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a general term for indigestible food components. It moves slowly through the intestines without being digested or absorbed by the body, and provides various health benefits.
There are actually two types of dietary fiber
There are two types of dietary fiber, each with different functions. Most of the dietary fiber contained in seaweed is soluble dietary fiber.
Soluble dietary fiber
It is a water-soluble dietary fiber. It has the effect of softening stool and making bowel movements smoother. It becomes slippery when dissolved in water, and absorbs excess lipids as it moves through the intestines.
Insoluble dietary fiber
It is a water-insoluble dietary fiber. It serves as food for intestinal bacteria and has the effect of regulating the intestinal environment. It increases the amount of stool, activates intestinal movement, and promotes bowel movements.
Seaweed is rich in dietary fiber
About one-third of seaweed is made up of soluble dietary fiber .
The dietary fiber contained in seaweed turns into a gel when digested in the stomach and moves slowly through our bodies.
It absorbs and moves carbohydrates and lipids that are stuck in the intestines, improving the intestinal environment and effectively relieving constipation.
Eating seaweed on a daily basis is said to have various health benefits, such as regulating the intestines, helping with weight loss, and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.
The health benefits of dietary fiber
1. Regulating the intestines
Dietary fiber serves as food for intestinal bacteria, increasing the number of good bacteria and reducing the number of bad bacteria. Increasing the number of good bacteria improves the intestinal environment and can improve symptoms such as constipation and diarrhea.
Insoluble dietary fiber also helps increase stool volume and improves bowel movements, making bowel movements smoother.
2. Diet benefits
Dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, increases the volume in the stomach, making you feel fuller. Therefore, eating seaweed before a meal can help prevent overeating.
As mentioned above, dietary fiber also has the effect of slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract by adsorbing carbohydrates to itself. It is also expected to be effective in preventing diabetes by suppressing the rapid rise in blood sugar levels after meals.
3. Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
Dietary fiber absorbs cholesterol and carbohydrates as it travels through the intestines and excretes them from the body. This not only lowers blood cholesterol levels, but is also expected to be effective in preventing lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.
4. Other Effects
Dietary fiber promotes the excretion of waste products and is said to have various effects such as detoxification, skin beautification, and anti-aging. It is believed that improving constipation reduces harmful substances that cause rough skin, acne, and breakouts.
Daily dietary fiber intake
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber for adults is 18g for men and 16g for women. However, the current average intake is estimated to be around 14g per day.
Unless you put a little effort into your diet, you won't be able to meet your fiber needs.
Dietary fiber content per sheet of seaweed
Each sheet of nori contains approximately 1.1g of soluble dietary fiber.
Eating 2-3 sheets of seaweed per day seems to be enough to make up for the deficiency and meet the recommended intake of dietary fiber.
There's more to seaweed than just fiber! Why seaweed is good for constipation
①Rich in minerals
Seaweed is also rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Minerals have the effect of collecting water and softening stool. They stimulate intestinal movement and are effective in relieving constipation.
②Low in calories but keeps you full
Nori (roasted seaweed) is very low in calories, with only about 9 kcal per whole sheet. It also increases in volume as it absorbs water in the stomach. The sticky, gel-like seaweed moves slowly through the body, making you feel full and suppressing your appetite.
3. Easy to consume
Unlike other foods that require cooking, seaweed can be easily eaten as is. It can be eaten with white rice or onigiri rice balls, or as a snack. One of its charms is that it can be easily consumed.
What did you think? This time, we explained why seaweed is a good food for relieving constipation.
Unlike insoluble dietary fiber, which stimulates the intestines by increasing the amount of stool, seaweed contains soluble dietary fiber, which is gentle on the intestines. It cleans the intestines effortlessly and helps relieve constipation.
In addition to being rich in dietary fiber, it is also easy to prepare and low in calories, making it an ideal food for improving intestinal function while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
However, no matter how effective it may be, excessive intake is strictly prohibited. In addition to consuming seaweed, it is also important to lead a regular lifestyle, get good quality sleep, drink plenty of water, and exercise moderately.
Please try incorporating a little bit of seaweed into your daily diet.