Gifts and presents for memorial services and memorial services | Etiquette and how to choose
Memorial services are important ceremonies to remember the deceased and comfort the bereaved family. However, there are many unfamiliar customs and manners, and many people may have questions about what to bring and the flow of the day.
In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of the types and overview of legal ceremonies and memorial services.
If you learn the correct knowledge and etiquette, you will be able to calmly hold a memorial service for the deceased. We will also introduce etiquette for religions other than Buddhism.

Etiquette for wakes, funerals, and farewell ceremonies
会葬御礼と香典返しの違いは以下の通りです。会葬御礼: 参列いただいたことに対する感謝の気持ち
香典返し: 香典をいただいたことへのお礼
最近では、お通夜や葬儀のその日に、いわゆる「当日返し」で香典返しをお渡しすることもありますが、その場合も会葬御礼と香典返しは分けて、別々にお渡しするのが作法です。実際に会葬御礼の場合と、香典返しの場合の表書きは異なります。 会葬御礼は、故人への感謝の気持ちと参列者への感謝の気持ちを伝える大切なものです。マナーを守って渡しましょう。
Points to consider when choosing a funeral gift
1. Choose what to dispose of
Funeral thank-you gifts are generally everyday items or perishable items such as tea, seaweed, sweets, detergent, etc. This is because perishable items are often chosen with the hope that the deceased will not be dragged down by their sadness.
2. Choose something that's easy to carry
Attendees will likely be carrying luggage, so choose something that is easy to carry.
3. Choose something that doesn't take up much space
Funeral thank-you gifts are often given in bulk, so choose items that don't take up much space.
4. Choose foods with a long shelf life
Funeral gifts may not be available immediately, so choose items with a long expiration date.
5. Check allergen labels
Some people have food allergies, so be sure to check the allergy label.
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Gifts of thanks for attending a funeral

Memorial Service
Manners for Memorial Services (Memorial Ceremonies)
Buddhist memorial services are held on the anniversary of the death of a deceased person or on the anniversary of the person's death to pray for their soul. In Shinto memorial services, they are called memorial services, and in Christian memorial services, they are called memorial masses or memorial services. The way they are held varies depending on the sect, customs, and family traditions.
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Return gifts for memorial services

Etiquette for Returning Funeral Offerings
The Buddhist custom of sending a gift along with a greeting card to report that the Buddhist rites for the deceased have been completed without any problems and that the mourning period has ended, as well as to express gratitude, is called "Koden-gaeshi."
During the mourning period, thank-you letters and condolence money should be refrained from being sent, and responses to condolences should be made after the mourning period ends.
The standard for returning a condolence gift is one-third to one-half of the amount of the condolence money. Although returning a condolence gift is a Buddhist custom, Shinto and Christian ceremonies also generally follow the Buddhist custom as a matter of custom.
Why is seaweed chosen as a gift in return for a funeral offering?
Yamamotoyama products are very often chosen as gifts in return for funeral offerings.
There are several reasons why seaweed is chosen as a gift in return for a condolence donation.
1. Lost Items
Generally, gifts in return for condolence money are everyday items or food items known as "disappearing items." Seaweed disappears once eaten, so it is given as a token of hope that misfortune will not be repeated.
2. Buddhist cuisine
Seaweed has long been used in shojin ryori (traditional Japanese cuisine). Shojin ryori (traditional Japanese cuisine) is a type of cuisine that does not use meat or fish, and was eaten by Buddhist monks. As most funerals in Japan are Buddhist events, the seaweed used in shojin ryori (traditional Japanese cuisine) is considered to be an auspicious item for funerals.
3. Preservation
Nori has the characteristic of having a long shelf life. It is common to give gifts in return for condolence money after the end of mourning. The end of mourning means 50 days after the death of the deceased. Nori, which can be stored for 50 days, is the perfect food for a condolence gift.
4. Ease of use
Another advantage of seaweed is that it is easy to get at supermarkets. When choosing a gift for a funeral, you often don't have much time. Seaweed is easy to get and is useful in such cases.
5. Versatility
Nori is a food ingredient that is popular among people of all ages. It has the advantage of being an easy choice for a condolence gift, as it is enjoyed by everyone, from children to adults.
6. Luxury
Recently, there are many high-quality seaweed products on the market. By giving high-quality seaweed, you can convey your gratitude to the deceased.
For the reasons mentioned above, Yamamotoyama nori is often chosen as a gift in return for a condolence gift. Below, we will introduce some of the most popular items for condolence gifts.
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Return gift