You may not know the difference between Nori, Aosa, and Aonori!
Aonori and aosa look very similar, and because they are called the same thing, they are often confused with each other.
All of these are green seaweeds and are essential ingredients on the Japanese diet, but they are actually different species and differ in appearance, taste, aroma, nutritional content, and how to eat them.
Three types of seaweed
Seaweed is divided into three types based on its color and habitat (depth of the ocean):
- Red algae
- Green algae
- Brown algae
Red algae
It is seaweed that contains a lot of phycoerythrin, a red pigment. It lives in the deepest parts of the ocean. Representative types include nori, tengusa, and akamoku.
Green algae
It is a type of seaweed that contains a lot of chlorophyll, a green pigment. It lives in shallow waters and absorbs sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. Representative types include aosa, aonori, sea grapes, and human eels.
Brown algae
It is seaweed that contains a lot of the brown pigment fucoxanthin. It lives in deep places in the ocean. Representative types include kelp, mozuku, wakame, and hijiki.
Aonori, aosa, and aosa nori are different types
These seaweeds look very similar and are all in the same green algae family, but when broken down into smaller groups they are actually different species, as shown below.
Green laver
It is a type of green algae that belongs to the Ulva genus of green algae and the Ulva family. It is mostly dried and crushed into a powder. The main production area is Tokushima Prefecture, and nearly 80% of the seaweed in the country is from Tokushima Prefecture.
Green laver
It is a type of green algae that belongs to the Ulva genus of the Ulva family. It is mainly produced in Mie Prefecture, and is in season from winter to spring. It is available in thread-like form and in powder form that has been dried and crushed into a fine powder.
Green laver
It is classified as a member of the genus Acanthaceae, a type of green algae. "Aosa nori" is an alternative name, but its official name is "Hitoegusa." Dried Hitoegusa is sold as "Aosa nori." It is sold in various forms, including threads, leaves, and powder.
The taste and aroma are completely different.
Aonori is a bright green color with a scent of the seashore and a subtle sweetness and refreshing flavor. It has a crispy texture and feels like it melts in your mouth. It is often misunderstood because it is often used as a flavoring for snack foods, but aonori itself is a very expensive ingredient and tends to be expensive. The "aonori" that is sprinkled on yakisoba and other dishes is actually often "aosa nori."
Aosa is very similar to Aonori, but it has a slightly weaker sea scent than Aonori, and is therefore often sold at a relatively low price. It has a subtle sweetness and salty taste. It has a soft texture and dissolves easily in water, so it is often used in miso soup or other soups, or mixed into rolled omelets.
Aonori has a fragrant sea scent, and its delicious flavor is enhanced when added to soba noodles or soup. The thread-like or leaf-like form expands to about 5-6 times its size when soaked in water, and has a soft yet elastic texture. On the other hand, the powdered form melts in the mouth, making it easy to use as a topping or seasoning.
Is there a difference in nutritional content?
All three types of nori, aonori, and aosa-nori are extremely rich in nutrients and there is not much difference between them. They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, etc.), as well as high amounts of beta-carotene and dietary fiber.
If we had to say, the beta-carotene content in green algae and seaweed (Hitomegusa) tends to be slightly higher than that in green laver. Beta-carotene has antioxidant properties and is expected to have anti-aging effects and improve immunity.
What did you think? This time, we introduced the commonly confused varieties of Aonori, Aosa, and Aosa-nori.
Aonori, Aosa, and Aonori (Hitoegusa) are all seaweeds that are highly nutritious and good for your health. Although there are slight differences in the amount of beta-carotene they contain, please understand the differences between them and try incorporating them into your diet.